
Doterra Essential Oils

My Favorite Essential Oils and Their Benefits

Fennel: Soothes digestive comfort

Lemon: Stimulates cleansing and promotes lymphatic flow; provides respiratory support and uplifts your mood

Grapefruit: Supports weight loss, boots the metabolism and helps reduce food cravings

Wild Orange: Stimulates lymphatic system, energizes and uplifts, and soothes nerves and digestive issues

Peppermint: Soothes digestive issues, has a cooling sensation for fresh breath and hot flashes and helps open the airways

Lime: Provides antioxidants for a healthy immune function; stimulates and uplifts your mood

Ginger: Aids with indigestion and occasional nausea, also eases congestion

Cinnamon: Helps warm the body as well as invigorates and uplifts your mood; also supports digestion and immunity

Cilantro: Provides antioxidants, aids in digestion, soothes the skin and promotes detoxification

Lavender: Provides calmness and stress relief; topical application for burns, minor cuts and bruises

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